
Thursday, December 16, 2010

O Christmas Tree...

Decorating is in full force around the Rylee household! I just love Christmas trees and if my budget would allow I would have at least one in EVERY room!
My staircase is full of bright red poinsettia and white lights. I usually have a tropical picture hanging, but this year I decided to replace it with a wreath. 2 sizes wired together added some ribbon and poinsetta. I think it turned out nice...Do you?
 This tree in our family room has ALWAYS and FOREVER been a fruit tree. So sick of that thing. I vowed I would not put that thing up if I had to decorate it like that AGAIN. Well in the end I was gived a VERY small budget to do something different. I decided I wanted chocolate brown, maybe a little ivory and gold. Now I think it looks bare know it doesn't look full, but after Christmas sales are gonna be great and next year.....I can't wait!
 This is my favorite tree in the house. My dining room is red, black and white year round. And my dining room feels complete with this baby in there. Its white with black, white and silver ornaments.
 Although my black and white tree is my favorite. This baby is the most fun to decorate. Other that the Christmas balls, lights and star the rest comes straight out of the playroom. From the skirt (dress-up) to the tiaras, shoes, boas, and even a glitter microphone. I adore this fun girly tree that site between my 2 daughter's room.
Merry Christmas to All and Happy Decorating!

Our Christmas Pictures have arrived!

We have the most FABULOUS photographer! She is awesome with the kids and brings tone of props! I just adore her. A little of our pictures!
Gotta have that Christmas card photo!
Sweet Mady! (on a quilt my Great-Grandmother) sewed by hand!
Daddy's Girl!

I am OBSESSED with this outfit!

We should've used this for our cards!!
Her eyes are amazing!
Drinking Santa's milk!
Mommy and Layla

She looks like she is going to "Breakfast at Tiffanys" I wish that coat came in my size.
This little sweet innocent daughter of mine is going to be trouble!

And finally....A picture of me!

 Posting Christmas decor very soon!

Thanksgiving...with plenty of company

Here we are awaiting our guests. This year insteading of running from house to house we decided to host Thanksgiving for BOTH of our families. It was a great success and I will do it again!